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Friday, November 4, 2011

The Top 10 Reasons Why I Choose to Occupy My Mind, Not Wall Street

This will be much easier to do in list format (you'll notice this is my favorite way to say my points):

1. The federal government caused this housing collapse with its policies requiring the banks to give out loans to unqualified buyers or face governmental pressure.
2. The Occupy Wall Street movement is a political mess with no clear agenda and no clear endpoint at which they will stop occupying.
3. OWS is occurring in the places at which most lower to mid level bankers work, these people did nothing wrong, they simply work at the company.
4. OWS is filled with my brethren, current college students and recent college grads that have had a mentality of personal entitlement drilled into their heads since birth.
5. I'd rather have a job
6. OWS does not cause anything to happen in itself, these people are not attempting to draft legislative ideas, increase voting, or submit anything viable to the political conversation other than "we're pissed".
7.You may get arrested, beaten, raped, assaulted, robbed, harassed, or violated by entering their area with any different ideal than theirs (all have occured).
8. There is a statistically relevant percentage of them that not only oppose the American system, but support communism and socialism.
9. They are fundamentally clueless on what the world economy runs on, and why.

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