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Friday, November 4, 2011

My take on the Herman Cain "Black or Whack" debate

First let me say: As far as whether the harassment allegations are true or not, only time will tell. So for now, I will ignore them. However, this is not to say I am unaware of them.

I am calling this the "Black or Whack" debate because the rhetoric involving the issue has come from both black and white news people &/or liberals and has mostly included whether or not he is the "black friend" of white people or if he has black people's interest at heart or not. Well......my take is....WHO CARES?

The man is attempting to become the president of the United States, not the president of the white or black states. Herman Cain grew up in the South during the time of the civil rights protests, and he chose to go to highschool and college and become a success instead of protesting. Well:

1. What do you think they were protesting the right for, except for other young black males like him to be able to do EXACTLY what he did/is doing?
2. How can you judge someone for NOT protesting? That's like judging a female for not being part of the women's suffrage movement, let's face it, not everyone has protesting and going against "the man"in them.

Another claim is that he is fundamentally unaware of the plight of the black community because he is wealthy/conservative/has white friends. Well, if that means he is blind to the black community, then I am as well, and let me tell you, I most definitely am not. Simply because I would rather see one of my own make it out of the 'hood and grow as an individual than become a servant to the government relying on a handout every month does not mean I am unaware there are many people who can not do so. The point is, it takes time to move a people from a mentality of servitude and reliance to a mentality of strength and individuality.

Finally, the last claim is that he is the excuse for the republican party/right wing/conservatives to claim they are not racist. To this I have a few responses:

1. How can this be true when they are supporting him? I guarantee you, a black man can get a FEW "racists" to put behind their views in order to garner more positive public opinion, but in order to start a movement like this......race is NOT a part. It's too strong, you'd see a flocking to Perry & Paul.

2. I am black, I am conservative, and not only do I support him, but I have been supported by conservatives in my life and none of it was given to me based on race, rather based on the product of my actions.

3. Is it more racist for white people to AGREE with a black person simply because he is black & they feel bad, or is it more racist for white people to DISAGREE with a black person simply because he isn't THEIR type of black person? The answer should be obvious.

The allegations and accusations made by the left wing & media outlets of this country are sickening. As a black conservative I find them to be disturbing, and as an American citizen I find the whole situation to be baseless and a testament to the obvious disregard for common sense that the powers-that-be tend to perpetuate in our lives.


  1. Put a hood on all the candidates and focus on their ideals, messages, intellect and character. Then after we vote the President in take the hood off... Left or right, black or white, it should not be an issue. The first black president is in office and it's a great civil rights growth, but the guy is a complete moron and tool and the least American of the Presidents before him. But people focused on the outer shell and look what we got.

    Joe Nobody

  2. Agreed 100%! the president is the president, black white blue orange purple or pink, its the president, it could be a technicolor person for all i care lol
